For all of our "Chewish" Friends..and everyone else who wants to join in!
(to the tune of Dreidel-Dreidel-Dreidel)
Droodle, Droodle, Droodle
It's what we doggies do
And if you get too near us
We'll get our drool on you!
Licking, Licking, Licking
It's how we doggies kiss
Some call it wet and yucky
Some call it doggy bliss!
Shedding, Shedding, Shedding
Our hair gets on your clothes
But you'll still hug and love us
Guess that's just how it goes!
No matter how you spell it... Hanukah, Chanukah... The Top Dog and her "shayna madel kelevs" Dizney, Cassie & Tracey wish you a VERY happy howliday!