This beloved, non-Hallmark national howliday was created by Petsitters International in 1999 to celebrate the fabulous companions that dogs make for us two leggeds... and to encourage adoption from local animal rescue & welfare organizations. It's a once-a-year excuse to stop working like a dog, but rather to work along side one!
Of course, before you place your pooch in the passenger seat and cruise to work in the HOV lane, you'll need to get permission from your HR department. And when they shoot back a "you gotta be kidding me" stare to your sincere request, clue them in to results of the most recent APPMA survey which definitively shows that Americans believe having pets in the workplace:
- leads to a more productive & creative environment
- decreases absenteeism
- helps co-workers get along better
- improves the relationship between managers and their employees
And, something that will really get their tails waggin'...employees who bring their pets to the workplace are known to watch the clock less and work longer hours
TOMORROW: "Take Your Dog To Work" Day Etiquette
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