Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

My fur kids are always so happy when January 1 rolls around. They hear my resolution about taking better care of myself... exercising more... and of course, that means more walkees for them! This year, they seem a bit skeptical. And why wouldn't they be, considering I have broken my resolution each year of Dizney's 13, Cassie's 8, and Tracey's 4 years of life. The issue is that I simply don't enjoy walking, so it doesn't get done.

I've realized that the trick is to find activities that I look forward to doing, so they become a joy rather than a responsibility. So this year, I've selected specific "quality time" stuff to do with each of my fur kids... things that both they and I are sure to make time for (yeah, like they have a busy schedule to keep tabs on, right?!).

My wet & wild diver Dizney and I are going to be joining a dock diving club where she can bellyflop to her hearts content in pursuit of her beloved green bally. My velcro dog Cassie and I are going to do the two step... or in her case, the four step... through freestyle dancing. And my super social youngest girl Tracey and I will be making bi-weekly visits to those who need cheering up through pet assisted therapy.

What does your K9 like to do that you can help nurture, all the while spending quality time and enhancing the bonding experience? Chances are there's an outlet for it just waiting! Agility, flyball, disc handling, lure coursing, tracking... there is no end to the possibilities.

And for those of you who enjoy brisk walks with a willing fur friend, don't think about it. Do like Nike says: Just Do It!


Unknown said...

My 10-year-old dog Clooney loves walks. So we walk. She doesn't let me get away without it. She also loves me chasing after her for her toys. When she gets antsy, I tell her, "Go get your toy!" And she knows exactly what that means. She gets one. I chase after her for it. She always wins. It's a game I think she'll love till the end. Maybe I won't. But she will. And to her, that's all that matters.

Suzanne Holman said...

Eileen, I love that you have an individual plan for each of your dogs. That is so great!

That is something parents of little humans can take note of as well...

It's so easy to group our kids ... furry or otherwise.

Mimi Meredith said...

Eileen, you are brilliant! Way to find new resolve by reworking your resolutions to be fun for you and your pack! Here's to the health of all of you and to what the rest of us can learn from your great example!

Stephahie Angelo said...

What fur-tastic ideas! Our Kaia is a daily walker and won't take no for an answer. What a motivater!

Deborah Dubree said...

Hey Eileen,
Love the activities you've suggested. My Goldendoodle - Kiara loves the water. Check out her video at:

She loves playing, exercising and making new friends. I really appreciate all the care, compassion and understanding you have for all of our fur friends. Thank you for sharing ideas that delight and deliver. What FUN! Deborah

Beth Terry said...

Great ideas for the furkids. I am now retraining Lezard. It's like he's a puppy again. Glaucoma took his eyesight in a matter of weeks. We never saw it coming. He is very good natured about it, and waits at the door each time he comes in for his "good boy!" At first it broke my heart, but he is still such a goofball that he is making me less sad. Of course Xena just acts like nothing is different, and won't let him get away with sleeping the day away. They do teach us, don't they?

Glad you are on the blogathon! Looking forward to your posts!
Happy New Year!